Why choose MarketForex?

MarketForex was set up by trading professionals and expert software developers with the main aim of discovering and comprehending the needs and requirements of its traders and investors, since the very beginning of their trading deal. Providing you with secure, user friendly Forex trading software, MarketForex offers the best currency trading technology with reliable and steady customer feedback services.
Live Real-Time quotes
At MarketForex, we believe in employing superior and sophisticated technologies, enabling us to offer updated quotes every second. We also give you the option of keeping a check on your positions in real time, 24 hours a day, enabling you to make a deal based on real-time information.
100:1 Leverage
The high leverage available with MarketForex is one of the main advantages which only a Forex trader avails, and not the ones dealing in futures and stocks. At over $1.2 trillion a day, it is the unparalleled size of the Forex market which enables us to offer such high leverage. This also means the increase in the amount of its transactions per day, leading to superior liquidity. By offering you higher leverage of 100:1, we are giving you more buying power than what you normally have as it increases your total return on investment.
Personal account management
At MarketForex, we are available for you 24x7 via phone, e-mails, or through the online chat. Your own Account Service Manager will be appointed to handle and work closely with you. We will also provide you with appropriate background information you require on any issues regarding the Forex market, through seminars, trainings, chat and telephone and technical support.
Stability and Reliability
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