CS101 Introduction to Computing Final Term Examination – Spring 2005

Question No. 1 Marks : 02
________________ is the protocol used for file transfer.

o www
o smtp

Question No. 2 Marks : 06
What is difference between SMTP and POP?

Question No. 3 Marks : 02
_____________________ is the correct JavaScript syntax.

o while{a<=b};
o while((a<=b); oo

Question No. 4 Marks : 02

You are required to develop a web page using HTML and JavaScript. Page
should have 4 buttons. Three buttons have different color(Red,Green,Blue).
Fourth button is used as "Refresh" button. Finally the page should be
represented as given in Fig.
Develop a function in JavaScript that changes the color of the back ground
according to the button clicked. "Refresh" buttons is use to reset the color
of page.Hint: Refresh button is used to set the background color of the page
to white.
[Example: When Green button is clicked the back ground color will be set to
"Green" and so on.]

Question No. 5 Marks : 02
Examine and write down the value printed after execution of following

1. document.write( 2 + Math.PI ) ; (Math.PI=3.141)
2. document.write( "2" + "3" ) ;
3. document.write( "2" + Math.PI ) ;
4. document.write( "Yes" + false ) ;
5. document.write( 2 + 3 ) ;

Question No. 6 Marks : 02
Applications talk to devices through the OS and OS talks to and manages
devices through_________________________ .

oo File System
Application Interface
Device Driver

Question No. 7 Marks : 02
How Data Security can be improved in Database Management System?

Question No. 8 Marks : 02
________________ is readily understood by microprocessors and this
language is very difficult to write in for human programmers.

o Machine Language
Low Level Language
o High gh Level Language oo
Assembly Language

Question No. 9 Marks : 08
a) Write an Inline JavaScript code that prompts the message "Welcome
to VU" when button is clicked.
b) Convert the binary number 1110011 into decimal number System.
Mention each step.

Question No. 10 Marks : 02
Examine the syntax carefully and determine the output:
name = "virtual university" ;
document.write( name.toUpperCase( ) ) ;

o Virtual University
virtual university
Virtual university

Question No. 11 Marks : 08
Define AI (Artificial Intelligence) in one line. Name sub categories of AI.
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